Monday, July 26, 2010

Regional Leader Level One (LL1) Workshop hosted by Kicking Aids Out - Caribbean office represents a milestone in sport for development in the Caribbean.

The Leader Level One regional workshop hosted by the Kicking Aids Out - Caribbean office is a platform for sharing ideas, seeking ways to overcome challenges, discussing emerging issues, needs and trends when it comes to training, support and integration of the life skills component in the existing organizational structures in the Caribbean. It seeks also to explore collaborative opportunities and strengthening of existing structures in the Caribbean with a focus on aligning support systems and trainings to the Kicking AIDS Out Training Pathway.
Leaders from all over the region ; Barbados, Grenada, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, St. Lucia, Jamaica, St. Kitts, Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana are expected to lead Kicking Aids Out activities in their islands. This Caribbean 'melting pot' of youth leaders consists of truly talented, experienced, hard working and excited young people who are looking forward to just over one week of training activities.
The workshop takes place from Friday 6th August to Saturday 14th August 2010 at Cascadia Hotel and Conference Centre in Trinidad. The facilitators include Claudia Noel, Francine Mc Donald, Tricia Forde and Ato Rockcliffe (Trinidad and Tobago Alliance for Sport & Physical Education).
"Its good a feeling whenever our Caribbean brothers and sisters get together to discuss issues that affect regional development, I look forward to working with them as we take up the challenge to address issues surrounding HIV/AIDS, gender and sexuality." Shallona Shallowe, Regional Coordinator.
Written by S. Shallowe

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Trinidad & Tobago Host Caribbean Healthy Lifestyle Programme Conference.

The Caribbean Healthy Lifestyle Programme (C-HLP) is a “for youth by youth” initiative that involves youth in the planning and delivery of a leadership-training programme. It demonstrates how sport can be used as a vehicle to develop and change lives in a holistic manner. It also focuses on educating youth in specific areas that are relevant to their day-to-day existence and to their success in today’s society.
 This programme combines sports along with personal development and instills a value of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, along with fostering leadership capacity among the youth.
At firstly, it evolved around three focus areas: youth, girls and women in sport and leadership, which began in Jamaica at the Caribbean under 16 Netball Tournament and continued this way until in 2003, the first group of male participants and athletes from other sporting disciplines, were introduced into the programme. Currently C-HLP has clubs established in ten (10) Caribbean countries.
C-HLP Club Socalm Trinidad and Tobago, is the newest club to join the C-HLP family, which was officially launched on January 31, 2010 and has approximately fifteen (15) members. This year the club is given the privilege to host the other clubs at the annual conference in August of this year

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Highlighting the Kicking Aids Out methodology at Kerosene Lamp Basketball Camps

Kicking Aids Out (KAO) Caribbean office contributed to the Kerosene Lamp Foundation basketball camp called, ‘the athletics and academics’.  The camps were designed to highlight the importance of combining sport and studies.
Representatives of TTASPE-  Kanika Paul-Payne, Agnes Wilson, and Ato Rockcliffe, lead by Kicking Aids Out Regional Coordinator Shallona Shallow and Marlon Thompson HIV/AIDS Officer UNICEF Trinidad & Tobago conducted the workshops.
The camps were held at  the  Maloney Indoor  Complex on 8th  July, Jean Pierre Complex 9th , Sangre Grande Civic Centre 10th  and Shaw Park Tobago on July 12th .
 Kicking Aids Out was one of the stations at the camp. The station was called the HIV awareness station/Kicking Aids Out station.  Several games were used namely circle ball, survival and sentence relay.  Each game had components of; sports skills, life skills and HIV messages.
The main activity/game played was sentence relay; the group was divided in to two teams, where they stood before a set of zigzag cones. Each person had to dribble (hands or feet depending on age) the ball through the cone and pick up a word to contribute to making a sentence that pertained to HIV and Aids (the sentences used were also dependent on age. With the younger kids the focus was discrimination while with the older kids the focus was transmission and prevention.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rekindling And Reinvigorating Trinidad & Tobago’s Netball


“Its All About Rekindling And Reinvigorating Trinidad & Tobago’s Netball,”- Mrs. Patricia Butcher, President Of The Trinidad &Tobago Netball Association.

    Mrs. Karen Worland, Technical Consultant to the Trinidad & Tobago Netball Association.

On Tuesday 6th of July, 2010 the Trinidad and Tobago Alliance for Sport and Physical Education (TTASPE) had the opportunity to have a discussion with Mrs. Karen Worland, who is here as technical consultant to the National Netball Association headed by its president Mrs. Patricia Butcher.

The discussion focused mainly on, the use of sport as a tool for development and the importance of coaching. Mrs. Worland stated that she was thrilled to be here and working with the netball association is easy because of its strong administrative foundation and also praised Mrs. Butcher for her apt leadership and vision of the national netball association.

“Sport as a tool for development in this instance netball, can effectively engage adolescents by building positive values and self worth. It also gives participants ways to deal with issues which may affect them both on and off the field,” said Mrs. Worland.

“Making sport inclusive and taking it beyond the playing field to the community level where it can be enjoyed and played, is a route we can take in using sport as a developmental tool,” she added when asked to share her view on sport as a development tool and what route should we take in using it as such.

On the importance of coaching Mrs. Worland noted, “ Increasing the educational knowledge base and the number of certified coaches is critical and must start at the community level. Coaches from within the community can reach out to other community members to participate in and show support for sport in their respective communities.”

Mrs. Worland is a highly experienced accreditation course developer, assessor and presenter, leading in coach education and assessor training. She developed the Netball Foundation and Development Coaching Accreditations in her native country Australia and continues to consult with Netball Australia on a number of development projects, more recently at the Australian Sports Commission, Coaching and Officiating Units.

 Mrs. Karen Worland and Mrs. Patricia Butcher, President of the Trinidad & Tobago Netball Association.

By: Atiba Antoine

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Game On Updates

Citizen Security Program (CSP) pilot community Mt. Dor, has completed the basic training for Game On! Coaching. Two community groups for the area, Mt. Dor Youth & Revelations SDA are coming together to host a 8 week Game On football and life-skills camp for children 8-16 years old during the July-August period. TTASPE will be evaluating the coaches at the camp before certifying them as Game On Coaches. This approach used in this community is expected to be replicated to other CSP communities across T&T.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Jump Rope Session at Port of Spain

On June 9th 2010, TTASPE in collaboration with the Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross hosted a Jump Rope for Heart student session at the St Paul Sporting Facility.

Lead by our JRFH Coordinator Shaunna Thomas, the students were exposed to a variation of single rope skills, partner skills, single long rope and a brief introduction into the Double Dutch activity skill.

We would like to thank the Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross for the opportunity to host the session and all the teachers and students who participated.

Here is a full listing of the schools who were represented at the session:
·       Petit Valley Girls` R.C. Primary School
·       Beetham Government Primary School
·       Eastern Government Primary School
·       Chinapoo Government Primary School
·       Our Lady of Laventille R.C. Primary School
·       Bethlehem Girls` R.C. Primary School
·       Newtown Girls` R.C. Primary School
·       Laventille Girls ` Government Primary School
·       St Margaret` s Boys` R.C. Primary School
·       Diego Martin Government Primary School
·       Laventille Boys` Government Primary School
·       Belmont Girls` R.C. Primary School
·       Mucurapo Girls’ R.C. Primary School

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ready & Able Multi-Sport Program

Ready & Able Multi- Sport Program for persons with disabilities continues at the Chaguanas Indoor Sporting Complex, tomorrow 9th June 2010. Start time 5:30pm