Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Highlighting the Kicking Aids Out methodology at Kerosene Lamp Basketball Camps

Kicking Aids Out (KAO) Caribbean office contributed to the Kerosene Lamp Foundation basketball camp called, ‘the athletics and academics’.  The camps were designed to highlight the importance of combining sport and studies.
Representatives of TTASPE-  Kanika Paul-Payne, Agnes Wilson, and Ato Rockcliffe, lead by Kicking Aids Out Regional Coordinator Shallona Shallow and Marlon Thompson HIV/AIDS Officer UNICEF Trinidad & Tobago conducted the workshops.
The camps were held at  the  Maloney Indoor  Complex on 8th  July, Jean Pierre Complex 9th , Sangre Grande Civic Centre 10th  and Shaw Park Tobago on July 12th .
 Kicking Aids Out was one of the stations at the camp. The station was called the HIV awareness station/Kicking Aids Out station.  Several games were used namely circle ball, survival and sentence relay.  Each game had components of; sports skills, life skills and HIV messages.
The main activity/game played was sentence relay; the group was divided in to two teams, where they stood before a set of zigzag cones. Each person had to dribble (hands or feet depending on age) the ball through the cone and pick up a word to contribute to making a sentence that pertained to HIV and Aids (the sentences used were also dependent on age. With the younger kids the focus was discrimination while with the older kids the focus was transmission and prevention.

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