Friday, June 11, 2010

Jump Rope Session at Port of Spain

On June 9th 2010, TTASPE in collaboration with the Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross hosted a Jump Rope for Heart student session at the St Paul Sporting Facility.

Lead by our JRFH Coordinator Shaunna Thomas, the students were exposed to a variation of single rope skills, partner skills, single long rope and a brief introduction into the Double Dutch activity skill.

We would like to thank the Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross for the opportunity to host the session and all the teachers and students who participated.

Here is a full listing of the schools who were represented at the session:
·       Petit Valley Girls` R.C. Primary School
·       Beetham Government Primary School
·       Eastern Government Primary School
·       Chinapoo Government Primary School
·       Our Lady of Laventille R.C. Primary School
·       Bethlehem Girls` R.C. Primary School
·       Newtown Girls` R.C. Primary School
·       Laventille Girls ` Government Primary School
·       St Margaret` s Boys` R.C. Primary School
·       Diego Martin Government Primary School
·       Laventille Boys` Government Primary School
·       Belmont Girls` R.C. Primary School
·       Mucurapo Girls’ R.C. Primary School

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