Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rekindling And Reinvigorating Trinidad & Tobago’s Netball


“Its All About Rekindling And Reinvigorating Trinidad & Tobago’s Netball,”- Mrs. Patricia Butcher, President Of The Trinidad &Tobago Netball Association.

    Mrs. Karen Worland, Technical Consultant to the Trinidad & Tobago Netball Association.

On Tuesday 6th of July, 2010 the Trinidad and Tobago Alliance for Sport and Physical Education (TTASPE) had the opportunity to have a discussion with Mrs. Karen Worland, who is here as technical consultant to the National Netball Association headed by its president Mrs. Patricia Butcher.

The discussion focused mainly on, the use of sport as a tool for development and the importance of coaching. Mrs. Worland stated that she was thrilled to be here and working with the netball association is easy because of its strong administrative foundation and also praised Mrs. Butcher for her apt leadership and vision of the national netball association.

“Sport as a tool for development in this instance netball, can effectively engage adolescents by building positive values and self worth. It also gives participants ways to deal with issues which may affect them both on and off the field,” said Mrs. Worland.

“Making sport inclusive and taking it beyond the playing field to the community level where it can be enjoyed and played, is a route we can take in using sport as a developmental tool,” she added when asked to share her view on sport as a development tool and what route should we take in using it as such.

On the importance of coaching Mrs. Worland noted, “ Increasing the educational knowledge base and the number of certified coaches is critical and must start at the community level. Coaches from within the community can reach out to other community members to participate in and show support for sport in their respective communities.”

Mrs. Worland is a highly experienced accreditation course developer, assessor and presenter, leading in coach education and assessor training. She developed the Netball Foundation and Development Coaching Accreditations in her native country Australia and continues to consult with Netball Australia on a number of development projects, more recently at the Australian Sports Commission, Coaching and Officiating Units.

 Mrs. Karen Worland and Mrs. Patricia Butcher, President of the Trinidad & Tobago Netball Association.

By: Atiba Antoine

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